Tuesday, 11 November 2008


Just a quicky to say thank you to everybody who came to my party over the weekend, i had a great time and it was amazing to see everyone again :)

It crazy that people would travell from soo far away to come and party with me which means you all are brilliant.

Ohh and sorry for getting annoyed at sleepy time.

Im in the learning cafe because i did have a lecture at 12 but they moved it to 1 GRRRRRR i could have slept for another hour.

Now you know where it is you can picture me sat here typing this message in that big glass box room thingy hehe. BAI x


Jasmine said...

Thank you for letting us all stay. It was fun.
Say hello to the purple walls for me. I liked them.
xxx :p xx

doug said...

yay! found your blog :] such an amazing weekend! <3