Soo basically today (Well not just today) i realised that i am not very hairy at alll....
I barely have any armpit hair :s You see for me this is a problem because i dream of one day having a rad beard and even though it may very well be ginger i will still be a proud wearer of such a beard.
Alot of my time has been taken up by the band, we just played the first chunk of a little tour. It was originally a week and a half long but some people couldn't get time off work so we had to spread it out over weekends, The first weekend was the one that just past and it was a wild time.
The dudes we are touring with (A band called "kerouac") are awesome guys and are soo much fun. On the sunday when we played basingstoke we broke into an abandoned building before the show because the venue was in the middle of a industrial estate that had quite a few borded up buildings, some how we just went on a frenzy and started smashing everything up :s
It all kicks off again this saturday through to tuesday, I can't fucking wait, i'm literally sitting around waiting for it to come round.
I think i really, REALLY needed this band. It happened just at the right moment alot of shit was going on and this just washed it all away, i don't think the other guys in the bad will ever read this, but if you do, thank you for letting me in you will never know how much this has changed me. x
P.S. Who ever texted me last time i posted on here can you text me again saying who you are because i don't have you number saved on my phone and i wanna know who it was because really appreciated the thought x